Far beneath the surface of your skin, upon the shores of your consciousness, there is a labyrinthine collection of parts waiting to be heard, felt and seen. The entryways that lead to these parts are often hidden, sometimes on forest floors, sometimes behind brick walls or mountains and sometimes in plain sight. But those who seek will find. Their doors have been waiting for them. You have heard the call, searched and found the door…Hail and Welcome!

Invest in your relationship with yourself.

I welcome you to your inner world where you will see for yourself your endless capacity for joy, compassion and possibility. Many of us have been taught to oppress ourselves but in doing so we neglect relationships with ourselves, magick, nature and spirit. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to engage with yourself, your spirit and our guides.


Improve your relationship with magick.

Magick can foster courage, curosity and creativity allowing us to shift out of our self-imposed limitations in a way that words alone cannot. Learn to honor yourself by cultivating deep and lasting rituals that will leave you feeling grounded, connected and empowered.

I cast my therapeutic circle in the name of the marginalized, in the name of those outside the charmed circle of the culturally normative. I invoke empowering archetypes and themes of safety, authenticity, and silliness all in an effort to help you remember your power so that you can continue to build strength against the structural inequality that proliferate our world.”

— Maggie Pajak

Try a 15 minute session for free and see if it’s right for you.